Blast Tummy Fat with Meratrim | JCDL 2011: Natural Diets, Garcinia Cambogia and More

The world has been waiting for a weight loss pill that actually works the way it claims, and it seems the answer is finally here. An herbal combination blending the flowers of the East Indian globe thistle and the rind of the purple mangosteen called Meratrim is having a significant effect in the battle against obesity.

These two ingredients, Sphaeranthus indicus and Garcinia mangostana combined, have been shown in studies to produce almost three times the weight loss when compared with subjects that were following the exact same fitness and diet regimen but were given placebos. In addition, most of the weight lost was from the hips and waist area of the body, which is one of the most dangerous areas to carry extra poundage and is most often associated with diabetes and heart disease.

This herbal blend helps reduce the body’s accumulation of fat cells while also propelling the body’s ability to burn fat. This is a new key factor in the battle to lose weight. Not only does this supplement help block the cell’s absorption of fat, but it aids the body’s ability to burn fat after meal time.

Recently featured on The Dr. Oz show in February 2014, as part of his “Triple Your Fat Loss,” episode, he reported that he gave the supplement to thirty of his audience members for a period of two weeks. All the women reported weight loss on average of three pounds and three inches off their waists.

Meratrim is 100% natural and contains no stimulant. The two plant extracts that are combined to make this supplement, Garcinia mangostana and Sphaeranthus indicus, have been used in Southeast Asian culture for thousands of years. When tested, this supplement has produced toxicological results indicating a wide margin of safety.

Most dieters understand the concept that in order to lose weight, one must eat fewer calories than one burns in a day. However, this can be a painfully slow and discouraging process. With Meratrim, you will see bigger results at a faster pace. This new breakthrough will help keep you motivated on your journey to a healthier you. Be sure to consult your doctor whenever beginning a new diet and exercise regimen.

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